RADIONICS & YOU Caroline Connor Radionics Consultant Phone 321/727-1117 email carolineconnorcj31@gmail.com To order send an email and I will send you a paypal invoice which you can use your credit card with if you desire. If you do not have a credit card or a bank account no problem you can send a postal money order for the items you want. If you have any questions on any item ask them before you buy. there are no refunds WHAT IS RADIONICS? You are familiar with your radio, you have to turn the dials to the frequency of the station you want to listen to. The same with a radionics machine, you turn the dials to the frequency you want to work on. Frequencies are numbers just like the stations dials you are turning in to. What is Radionics? All living things, plants, animals and people not only have physical body, consisting of atoms and molecules, but an anti-body of energy. This biological plasma bod...